Mike Kurrle |
Sequences or pathways (not sure on the title yet), would be a set of customizable, sequential actions that could be assigned to a particular person in the church.
Think of it as your personal assistant that will prompt you with regular actions that keeps you on track with what you believe the Lord is leading you to do personally in regards to carrying out the Great Commission in your local context.
For example: I am trying to reach my neighbor, John for Christ. I may create and customize a sequence in ChurchSpring and assign it to my self. The first step in the sequence may be to add him to my daily prayer list (in the upcoming prayer feature) where I ask the Lord to create in my heart a love for John, and provide me with an opportunity to share the gospel with him (Colossians 4:3-4). The second step in the sequence may be to setup a meeting at the local coffee shop with John. With the hope of getting to know him and ask about his life and background. The third step maybe to invite his family over for dinner. The fourth step may be to invite him to church if I haven’t had the opportunity already.
Sequences can be used for particular Bible study topic or plans, discipleship, evangelism, church planting, etc. Our hope is to also provide the Church with predetermined sequences in those areas so that you don’t have to create them from scratch or if you just want to see some examples.
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Rebecca Teo
As senior pastors alongside my husband, I think this is a great idea, but if you guys could also include a customizable Pathway for New People and New Believers this would be awesome! If someone comes to church for the 1st Time, it would be great to add them to the directory or to a particular group of some sort and be able to assign that person to one of our small group leaders to follow up on the new person. Same for a New Believer. If a person gives their life to Jesus, it be nice to add their name to the directory or to some form of new believers group and assign the new believer to one of our small group leaders to follow-up and provide Next Steps but it'd be great for us to be able to see in which Step the New Person or New Believer is in. Sort of like a Next Steps Pathways type of thing for both 1st Time Visitors and New Believers. So we could assign steps to ourselves but to also have the ability to assign things and follow-ups to our church leaders and ministry teams.
Rob Bernhardi
I love the idea. I, as a senior pastor, like the thought that having a tickler file attached to the website to help me and other members to remained focused on the task at hand (whether a person, event planning, maintenance, shopping list?), I like the customizable idea, but a standard template would help as well.
I believe staying as connected to the local church as much as possible helps keep Jesus and the body in the crosshairs of our focus. There may be other features as well that would help keep people "onsite" and part of the local church community. Not sure if this makes sense, but really appreciate what you at ChurchSpring are doing.
Mike Kurrle
Status changed to: In Planning