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Lady Tessa Reed |
Please create a registration form (or attendance sheet) that can be attached to the link for our church members to pre-register for each In-Person service. The form would ideally auto-populate to a sheet that we can just print off to keep for our records.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Jen Hockema
Status changed to: Live
Jen Hockema
This request is live! When you use the Contact Form as any kind of form, the results can be downloaded as an excel file! help.churchspring.com/article/130-contact-form-results
Josephine Blassingame
To have the option to create drop down, or check box options for attendees to choose which sessions they will attend, or lunch options. Google Forms has great features like these and it would be awesome to implement these features directly on the website! Thank you all!
Jen Hockema
Merged with: Custom Event Registration Form
Liz Simons
I'm thinking of a registration form that can be customized like for VBS
Christy Miller
Registration form options: Date (can use for DOB), Dropdowns and checkboxes please. Payment link. Attach file (ie permission form for camp, etc.)
Rebecca Teo
I also love the idea of people being able to register for events. I hope you guys add payment features to the form so that we can choose to set up our event as either a paid event or a non paid event. Please add an area for us to name our events as well such as Women's Retreats, Men's Retreats, Youth & YA Retreats, Concerts, Conferences, Seminars, etc...
Rebecca Teo
This is a great idea, because whenever the fire department or police come to a church, they are required to know how many people were inside the building. So this is a great way to take attendance for services and any other activities taking place inside the church building. Sometimes children, out of curiosity, have set off the alarm at our church, and the fire department and police department come to our church. So taking attendance will be helpful. We do it now cause our ushers use some form of clicker type device every time someone walks through the door, but being able to take attendance will be so helpful.
Jason Wilder (Admin)
Add more fields types like custom dropdowns, or the ability to add data based on other responses. Also add the ability to save form submissions to text file or spreadsheet.
Jen Hockema
Status changed to: In Planning
Charles Speelman
Please allow registration event info to flow to a spreadsheet