Directory Options

  • Live

Tuwanda Peters

Have date options of mm/dd/yy or mm/dd or mm/yy. We can acknowledge and or celebrate annually with just the month and day. People dont need to share their birth year. Add the option of what you want visible, email, phone, address.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Earllynn Jackson

Our directory still requires the 'year' for birth dates & anniversaries. So, either it is not working, has stopped working, or I'm needing help getting it to work!
Also: with this feature, is there an option to sort the directory by dates of birth/anniversaries or print a report of Member birth dates and anniversaries?


I have the same problem with our church website. We would prefer not to use the year either, just month and day.


I don't see how we can do this just as mm/dd. It says live, but it still asks for a year.

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Apache Wells Community Church



Jen Hockema

Status changed to: Live


Tuwanda Peters

My request as to the Directory Options, I want my church to use this feature but for the DOB the year should not be needed, be it the real year of a fake one. People do not want to expose their age or year of birth.

This is an easy edit, and should not need to be required.

Is there a way to just make this change without having a number of votes? This is common, for anything with information online be it a church private directory or anything else online. It's the privacy of information/identity. I'm not understanding why this is not scene at the appropriate level regarding personal information.

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