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Have the ability to edit or adjust images within the website.
The email feature is Great! it would also be amazing to be able to send a mass text announcing closings, meetings, lunches,...
Have the ability for the user to switch to a monthly calendar view of all the coming events.
The ability to change font sizes in the slider, and font colors through out the pages?
Have the ability to adjust the logo to make it larger.
Be able to rearrange already created blocks on a page using drag-and-drop.
Please create a registration form (or attendance sheet) that can be attached to the link for our church members to pre-register...
Give churches the ability to schedule posts to instagram. Scheduling posts to Instagram will work identically to the current...
Fully integrated giving feature with reports, notifications, giving statement, recurring gifts, and more
Have the option to set events to recure daily, bi-weekly, quarterly, and a custom option where you can setup your own repeating...